Twitter timeline
Twitter timeline monitoring
Twitter actress selfie
Watching twitter actresses selfie.
Text to image
Translating the text into image with the power of DALLE.
Talk to xiaoxiao
Having a chat with ChatGPT.
ChatGPT mirror
ChatGPT web client for users in China.
Search image by text
Searching actress images by keyword.
Crossword helper
Help you find the word in crossword game, or as a English learning tool.
Wordle helper
Help you find the word in wordle game.
Maori dictionary
This is a basic maori to english dictionary.
English translator
English translator combined many dictionary sources.
Crime map of Waitakere
Showing crime rate of Waitakere in a map.
Commuting stats
Monitoring the motorway traffic from home to office.
Parking lot monitor
Monitoring the victoria street car park and downtown car park.
Property search
Find property owner by address, or verse versa.
Mortgagee sale index
Mornitoring the Auckland mortgagee sale situation.
Good deal for meal
Find all the discounted good meal in Auckland.
Court cases
Search public court cases in China.
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NZ life
NZ tips for chinese WHVer.